our role as a parish council...

  • We develop a plan so that the village scene is maintained.
  • We identify areas for building to meet any village housing targets
  • We review and comment on Planning applications within the parish
  • We represent local residents when unsuitable planning applications are made

How you can get involved...

  • Join our Neighbourhood Plan team and help develop our strategy
  • Resond to requests for information and surveys
  • Maintain the village by replanting when trees are felled and ensuring any planning permission requests follow the plan objectives.
  • You can come along to meetings and share your views on housing and development areas



Planning decisions are made against policy which includes the National Planning Policy Framework, the Wiltshire Core Strategy and the West Lavington Neighbourhood Plan.

All of these are subject to review from time to time if they are to remain effective. Other documents such as a Village Design Statement or Conservation Area Statement can also be relevant. In the case of West Lavington and Littleton Panell, the Village Design Statement was adopted in 2004 and is now dated.

The West Lavington Neighbourhood Plan was made in June 2019. Plans should be reviewed at least every 5 years and it is now the appropriate time to review the Neighbourhood Plan to cover the period up to 2036. For the period up to 2036 it is not necessary to allocate additional sites for housing. An up-to-date Neighbourhood Plan is important to ensure that development proposals reflect local wishes in terms of location, design and local need.

For the West Lavington Neighbourhood Plan, we have undertaken a review of the document with the main objective of incorporating design policies which build on the work of the previous Village Design Statement and Conservation Area Statement. For this purpose, we have identified 12 “Character Areas” in West Lavington and Littleton Panell, each of which defines the key features to be protected and design guidelines to be followed. These areas are shown on the map below.

A formal public consultation on the revised document was due to be undertaken between Friday 5 May and Friday 16 June 2023. This has been delayed pending some additional surveys and consultation with Wiltshire Council regarding new government planning rules

Below you will find links to important documents related to the Neighbourhood Plan:

Supplementary documents: