our role as a parish council...
- We support local residents with concerns, issues, ideas and ventures
- We use council tax generated funds to improve the parish
- We review and comment on Planning applications within the parish
- We represent local residents in discussions with Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police, land owners, community groups and other stakeholders
How you can get involved...
- You can have your say at the start of meetings on any matter due to be discussed on the agenda
- You can raise any local concerns, issues, ideas or ventures with us at meetings
- You can help us to decide which projects we should spend money on within the parish
- You can come along to meetings and share your views on Planning applications
Whether you are interested in becoming a parish councillor, would like to help
look after our footpaths and open spaces, or want to help in some other way, volunteers make a valuable contribution to our community.
Rights of Way/footpaths work parties in the parish – if you would like to volunteer, or to find out more about what the Parish Council does with rights of way, please contact us.
The Parish Council is proud to support volunteering in the community and has signed the Valuing Volunteering Promise.
Many of our village groups seek volunteers, for gardening with StreetScene to driving for Village Link. There is an opportunity for everyone to be involved to support the community whatever your interests.
You can get involved in helping to conserve, and learn more about your surroundings from these organisations:
Nature Butterfly conservation
Woodland Trust
The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
The Great Bustard Group