our role as a parish council...

  • We support local residents with concerns, issues, ideas and ventures
  • We use council tax generated funds to improve the parish
  • We review and comment on Planning applications within the parish
  • We represent local residents in discussions with Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police, land owners, community groups and other stakeholders

How you can get involved...

  • You can have your say at the start of meetings on any matter due to be discussed on the agenda
  • You can raise any local concerns, issues, ideas or ventures with us at meetings
  • You can help us to decide which projects we should spend money on within the parish
  • You can come along to meetings and share your views on Planning applications

Local Organisations

There are many exciting and engaging organisations, clubs and groups in our parish. From fitness clubs to gardening, From youth clubs to over 60’s. From Sea Scouts to the WI. There is something for everyone!

Many community organisations rely on sources of funding to enable them to flourish. If you would like advice on how to apply for funding, and to discover more about the wide range of opportunities that exist in sourcing funding, then you can find out more from Develop based in Chippenham – their website is here.

The Parish Council has a small discretionary grants budget for local community organisations. If you think the Council could help your organisation to thrive for the benefit of the community, then do contact us to discuss your needs.

Youth Club

Winner of the Queens Award for Voluntary Service in 2008, West Lavington Youth Club is a ‘jewel in the crown’ for all our surrounding communities.

The Club’s patron and driving force in its early development was the late George Baker MBE, and it is now supported by a funding partnership of the four Parish Councils of West Lavington, Market Lavington, Easterton and Great Cheverell.

The Club is privileged to have its own premises, The George Baker Youth Centre (attached to the Village Hall), paid for by grant and public donation. The Centre was formally named in George Baker’s memory by his family in January 2012, who also planted a commemorative tree.

The development of young people is important for the continued health and vibrancy of rural communities, and finding structured, safe outlets for their energy and creativity is vital. The Club currently has a membership of over 80 young people, and relies on public subscription and donations to maintain its viability. Outreach activities are also arranged by the Club’s volunteers in premises provided in adjacent parishes.

Staffed by committed, trained youth workers, and overseen by a management committee the Club is open to all young people in our surrounding parishes between the ages of 7 and 18. Opening for up to four nights a week has been usual, but recent grant funding cutbacks from the wider public sector have reduced this capacity to just one core night per week for the time being, supported by the parish councils. Additional opening evenings are now being arranged as other income is found.

Fundraising events are arranged throughout the year, and if you can help with these, or wish to make a donation, please do call the Secretary, Mike May, on 01380 812574, or use the Contact form here.


Twinning Association

The Twinning Association has been established to forge links with the French town of St Pierre d’Autils in the Haute Normandy region.

Funded by membership subscription and donations, the Association wants to grow the bonds between our two cultures and continue running a programme of exchange visits. A Charter has been signed, and reciprocal visits have taken place each year from 2010.

We hold fund-raising social events throughout the year including a video quiz link-up with France.

If you would like to join the Association just use the Contact form. For an update on our local historian Lyn Dyson’s research work on wartime connections with nearby Vernon, see our Heritage page for details and how to help.

Village Care & Link Group

This is a Good Neighbour Scheme offering transport to anyone in need, living in the villages of West Lavington, Littleton Panell or Little Cheverell. Transport is generally for medical-related appointments where the client feels unable to use public transport.

The Village Care and Link Group is organised by a committee of local volunteers supported by a team of volunteers, funded only by donations.

How does it work?

If you need help simply phone our central phone number 01380 816826. The phone is staffed by volunteers from Village Care & Link. The co-ordinator who answers the phone will ask you for your details, and the date, time and location of your appointment and will then find a volunteer driver who is able to drive you. The volunteer driver will call you back to introduce himself/herself and to confirm when he/she will collect you.

If you wish to give a donation, the driver will ask you to put it in a donation envelope which will be taken to our treasurer.


We depend on our volunteers. If you would like to apply to become a volunteer for Village Care & Link for West Lavington, Littleton Panell and Little Cheverell please call 01380 816826 and give your contact details. As a volunteer you would be covered for third party insurance all the time you are helping someone booked through our central number. You would also be entitled to mileage expenses.


The StreetScene team of volunteer gardeners manage and maintain all the wonderful and colourful planters installed throughout the village, including the community herb garden situated at the Village Hall.

Anyone can join the group, if you are not a gardener there is plenty of help and coaching to get you going, the knowledge you get here can help you in your own garden.

Village Hall

Many organisations meet at The Village Hall, which is situated just off Sandfield, West Lavington, SN10 4HL. With a car park and a separate meeting room (The Giles Room) for smaller gatherings, there is space to get up to all sorts – drama, concerts, wedding receptions, sport, jumble sales, and lectures.

More facilities are planned, and free Wi-Fi is available

If you would like more information on the Hall you can visit their website or contact them by email.

The Hall is managed by an independent charitable Committee – If you would like to know more about how you can join in with managing this vital community facility, please contact the team.