our role as a parish council...

  • We support local residents with concerns, issues, ideas and ventures
  • We use council tax generated funds to improve the parish
  • We review and comment on Planning applications within the parish
  • We represent local residents in discussions with Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police, land owners, community groups and other stakeholders

How you can get involved...

  • You can have your say at the start of meetings on any matter due to be discussed on the agenda
  • You can raise any local concerns, issues, ideas or ventures with us at meetings
  • You can help us to decide which projects we should spend money on within the parish
  • You can come along to meetings and share your views on Planning applications

Local Recreation

The villages of West Lavington and Littleton Panell sit in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside on the north edge of Salisbury Plain about 5 miles south of the historic market town of Devizes. For SatNav users that follow postcodes SN10 4BE will place you at the crossroads of the A360 and B3098, in the centre of the parish. If you prefer street names, High Street West Lavington or Lavington Lane West Lavington will provide the same result.

You can also find us on OS Maps at grid SU 001 535 GB Grid or at 51°16′ 29.27″ N 1°59′ 26.3″W

West Lavington Village Hall hosts a number of classes and clubs that you might be interested in. Our village magazine News & Views is the best way of finding out whats going on. Its availabe here.

We are blessed to have the beautiful countryside all around us. Hundreds of miles
of walking trails, cycle routes and footpaths through valleys, forests, over hills and plains. Our community also enjoys various play areas, pitches and tracks as well as halls and clubs.

If you are planning a walk in our beautiful countryside, you might find these suggested routes of interest. A wider range of walking guides throughout Wiltshire is also available.

There are miles of open tracks for exploring, especially on Salisbury Plain. Just follow the perimeter road to get an idea, and stop to look at the views! If you are planning a more adventurous ride in our beautiful countryside, you might find this interactive and entertaining description of a circular route starting and finishing from nearby Tilshead.

If you are keen, why not consider joining a local cycling club – Salisbury Plain Area Mountain biking club (SPAM) meets at The Churchill Arms pub in West Lavington.

There are many Rights of Way in and around our village to use and enjoy. It is important that everyone understands what they are. A Right of Way is not, strictly speaking, a path but is a right possessed by the public to pass along linear routes over land at all times. Although the land may be owned by a private individual, the public may still gain access across that land along a specific route. See below for a definitive list of all our rights of way.
Rights of way have 4 different classifications according to who has the right to use them:

Footpath: A right of way on foot only.

Bridleway: A right of way on foot, horseback and leading a horse, with the right for cyclists providing they give way to other users. There may or may not be a right to drive stock along the bridleway.

Byway: Open to all traffic: rights of way that are used for the purposes that footpaths and bridleways are used, but on which there is a right of way for all traffic, including mechanically propelled vehicles that are road legal;

Restricted Byway: A new category created by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to replace Roads Used as Public Paths (RUPPs), allowing access for all traffic except mechanically propelled vehicles (typically trail bikes and 4x4s).

Please note: there is no “Access Land” (as defined by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, 2000) over which there would otherwise be a ‘right to roam’, in this parish. Therefore, please remain on defined rights of way when crossing private land, including farmland, and refer to maps or websites for directions.

You can report a problem with a right of way, such as fallen trees or dangerous conditions on the Wiltshire Council website.

Click here for an interactive map, updated monthly and showing numbered rights of way designations, and here for more information on rights of way.

Please follow the Countryside Code.


Click here for Wiltshire travel information, with details of roadworks and delays on transport networks such as trains compiled by the BBC. (Link to be provided)

If you are heading further away, or using trunk routes to reach us, try these traffic cameras from the Highways Agency.(Link to be provided)

If we hear of road works in and around the parish we will publish details on this page.

Defects and Problems

If you would like to report a problem with a highway, use this link to Wiltshire Council’s Highways pages and follow their guidance. You will also be able to download their MyWiltshire App which allows you to report and track a wide range of highway and public realm issues from your smartphone.

Adverse Weather

Wiltshire Council have published guidance on using roads in adverse weather, and explain how they keep the roads open in snow and icy conditions. You can read this helpful advice below. The Wiltshire Council road and footways gritting network map is here, including strategic, primary, and secondary routes, and also Highways Agency routes.

Salt/Grit Bins are placed around the parish, and topped up by Wiltshire Council. Please use the salt/grit sparingly – a little goes a long way! See the Wiltshire Council’s Adverse Weather Salting Advice leaflets in the Download Library.