our role as a parish council...
- We support local residents with concerns, issues, ideas and ventures
- We use council tax generated funds to improve the parish
- We review and comment on Planning applications within the parish
- We represent local residents in discussions with Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police, land owners, community groups and other stakeholders
How you can get involved...
- You can have your say at the start of meetings on any matter due to be discussed on the agenda
- You can raise any local concerns, issues, ideas or ventures with us at meetings
- You can help us to decide which projects we should spend money on within the parish
- You can come along to meetings and share your views on Planning applications
We are lucky to have a choice of nurseries and schools within our community at all levels from pre-school to secondary.
Lavington Pre-School, West Lavington
Ages 2-5
Website: www.lavingtonpreschool.co.uk
Email: managerlavingtonpreschool@gmail.com
Phone: 01380 812551
St Barnabas Nursery Class, Market Lavington
Ages 2-5
Website: www.st-barnabas.wilts.sch.uk
Email: admin@st-barnabas.wilts.sch.uk
Phone: 01380 813436
Cheverell Old School Nursery, Great Cheverell
Ages 2-5
Website: www.cheverelloldschoolnursery.co.uk
Email: Via contact form on website
Phone: 01380 812418
Wiltshire Child Care online directory
Website: www.daps.wilts.sch.uk
Email: admin@daps.wilts.sch.uk
Phone: 01380 813373
St Barnabas C of E, Market Lavington
Website: www.st-barnabas.wilts.sch.uk
Email: admin@st-barnabas.wilts.sch.uk
Phone: 01380 813436
Holy Trinity C of E, Great Cheverell
Website: www.holy-trinity.co.uk
Email: admin@holytrinity.wilts.sch.uk
Phone: 01380 813796
Dauntsey’s School, West Lavington
Co-ed independent boarding and day school for boys and girls aged 11-18.
Website: www.dauntseys.org
Email: info@dauntseys.org
Phone: 01380 814500
Lavington School, Market Lavington
Co-ed day school for boys and girls aged 11-18.
Website: www.lavington.wilts.sch.uk
Email: enquiries@lavington.wilts.sch.uk
Phone: 01380 812352