our role as parish councilLORS...

  • We support local residents with concerns, issues, ideas and ventures
  • We use council tax generated funds to improve the parish
  • We organise volunteer groups to enhance the village
  • We are all volunteers commited to help, improve and provide real benefit to our community

How you can get involved...

  • You can raise any local concerns, issues, ideas or ventures with us at any time
  • You can help us to decide which projects we should spend money on within the parish
  • You can come along to meetings and share your views and propose new ideas
  • You can volunteer to help on initiatives such as Footpath clearing, litter picking and Speed Watch


Peter West

Council Chair

Peter moved to the village in 2018 after a 40 year career in engineering and business leadership in the Healthcare sector. Peter has a passion for the countryside. He is a beekeeper and volunteer lock keeper on the Kennet and Avon canal. He also enjoys walking, foraging and wildlife photography.


Steve Laister

Deputy Chair and Footpath Working Group

Steve worked for 35 years as an environmental consultant, overseeing environmental and social impact assessments of large developments such as roads/railways, housing developments and power stations. Recently retired, he now enjoys walking the many Parish footpaths and discovering the history of the area.


Peter Blundell

Playgrounds Working Group

Peter grew up in Buckinghamshire but has lived in Littleton Panell with his family for 26 years. Peter is a retired headmaster, member of the Academy Trust of DAPS and a police-trained advanced motorist. Peter now spends much time with his three grandchildren & is curious about anything and everything.


Lorna Gough

Village Hall Committee Representative and Community Speed Watch

Lorna has a 30 year career in the NHS and has lived locally since moving to Wiltshire in 1973 where she attended local schools. Lorna’s interests include nature and music.


George Harrison

Emergency Plan and Risk Committee

George, a Rifleman in the British Army since 2011, relocated to Littleton Panell in 2020 with his wife. He enjoys countryside walks, local pub visits, and tinkering with old Land Rovers. 


Andrew Koval Radley

Andrew moved to the village in 2024. A former professional opera singer, he now works in Devizes and Marlborough as a life coach and somatic therapist. His interests include being in nature, playing in orchestras and knitting!


Dominic Muns

Dominic grew-up in Marlborough and moved to West Lavington via Ibiza with his wife and two children in 2016. Dominic runs a number of small businesses and enjoys walking the many byways across the Plain. Dominic is also our elected Unitary Councillor.


Robert Oglesby

Robert is a Justice of The Peace and a Yorkshireman who has lived for over 40 years in Wiltshire and 13 in the village. Robert runs a small company and is interested in Green Technologies, road safety, provision of affordable homes, and maintaining and improving community facilities for all.


Sandy Pattisson

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Sandy grew up in South-West London and has since lived in many parts of the UK. He moved to the village in 2023 after retiring from a career in marketing and business management. He enjoys the outdoors and will often be seen walking the byways in any weather with his labrador. 


Richard Scott

Village Hall Committee Representative and Planning

Richard was born in Devizes and spent his youth in the village. He is a retired conservation architect who worked on historic building repair and restoration. Interests are in all green issues, cooking, gardening and rambling.


Michael Sworder

Michael,and wife Jenny, have lived in the village for nearly 30 years. Michael is a retired corporate exec, and now spends his time planting trees, and mentoring young business entrepreneurs. In his spare time, he wanders the Salisbury plain with their dogs. He is interested in ‘developing’ the use of the village hall.
